A searchable table to help you discover what household items can be toxic to your pet.
Toxin | Type |
ACE-inhibitors | medication |
Acetaminophen | medication |
Acetaminophen | medication |
African Evergreen | plants |
African Wonder Tree | plants |
Alcohol | Food/Drink |
Alkalis | household items |
Alocasia | Plants |
Aloe Vera | Plants |
Amaryllis | Plants |
Ambien | medication |
American Bittersweet | plants |
Amitraz | Insecticide |
Amphetamines | medication |
Andromeda Japonica | plants |
Angel’s Trumpet | plants |
Anthurium | plants |
Antibiotics | medication |
Anticoagulants (long-acting) | household items |
Anti-depressants | medication |
Antifreeze | household items |
Apple Leaf Croton | plants |
Apricot | Food/Drink |
Arrowhead Vine | plants |
Asparagus Fern | plants |
Aspirin | medication |
Asthma Inhaler | medication |
Australian Nut | Food/Drink |
Autumn Crocus | plants |
Avocado | Food/Drink |
Azalea | plants |
Baby’s Breath | plants |
Baclofen | medication |
Baneberry | plants |
Batteries | household items |
Bear Grass | plants |
Beech Trees | plants |
Belladonna | plants |
Benzodiazepines | medication |
Beta-blockers | medication |
Bird of Paradise | plants |
Black Locust | plants |
Black Widow Spider | animal |
Bleach | household items |
Bleeding Hearts | plants |
Bloodroot | plants |
Bluebonnet | plants |
Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria) | plants |
Bone Meal & Blood Meal | household items |
Boxwood Tree | plants |
Branching Ivy | plants |
Bread Dough | Food/Drink |
Bromethalin | household items |
Brown Recluse Spider | animal |
Buckeye | plants |
Buddhist Pine | plants |
Burning Bush | plants |
Buttercup | plants |
Caffeine | Food/Drink |
Caladium | plants |
Calcipotriene | medication |
Calcium Channel Blockers | medication |
Calcium Supplements | medication |
Calla Lily | plants |
Camphor | medication |
Candelabra Cactus | plants |
Carbamates | household items |
Carbon Monoxide | Other |
Cardiac Glycosides | plants |
Carprofen | medication |
Castor Bean | plants |
Charming Dieffenbachia | plants |
Cherries | Food/Drink |
Chewing Tobacco | Other |
Chinaberry Tree | plants |
Chinese Evergreen | plants |
Chives | plants |
Chocolate | Food/Drink |
Chokecherry | plants |
Cholecalciferol | household items |
Christmas Rose | plants |
Chrysanthemum | plants |
Cigar Butts | Other |
Cigarettes | Other |
Cineria | plants |
Cleaning Products | household items |
Clematis | plants |
Cocaine | Illicit drugs |
Coins | metals |
Coral Snake | animal |
Cordatum | plants |
Corn Plant | plants |
Cornflower | plants |
Corticosteroids | medication |
Corydalis | plants |
Cough Medicine | medication |
Cowbane | plants |
Crocus | plants |
Croton | plants |
Crown of Thorns | plants |
Currants | Food/Drink |
Cyclamen | plants |
Daffodils | plants |
Daphne | plants |
Day Lily | plants |
Decongestants | medication |
Delphinium | plants |
Deramaxx | medication |
Detergents | household items |
Detergents | household items |
Devil’s Ivy | plants |
Dieffenbachia | plants |
Diuretic | medication |
Dogbane | plants |
Dracaena | plants |
Dragon Tree | plants |
Dumbcane | plants |
Easter Lily | plants |
Effexor | medication |
Elaine | plants |
Elderberry | plants |
Elephant Ear | plants |
Emerald Feathern | plants |
English Ivy | plants |
Ephedra | herbals |
EtoGesic | medication |
Eucalyptus | plants |
Euonymus | plants |
Fatty Foods | Food/Drink |
Ferns | plants |
Fertilizers | household items |
Ficus | plants |
Fiddle-Leaf Philodendron | plants |
Firestarter Logs | household items |
Fireworks | household items |
Firocoxib | medication |
Flamingo Plant | plants |
Flax | plants |
Flea and Tick Medications | medication |
Flea Collar | medication |
Fluoride | household items |
Four O’Clock | plants |
Foxglove | plants |
Garlic | Food/Drink |
Gasoline | household items |
Geranium | plants |
Giant Dumbcane | plants |
Glacier Ivy | plants |
Gladiolas | plants |
Glory Chain | plants |
Glory Lily | plants |
Glow Jewelry | household items |
Gold Dieffenbachia | plants |
Gold Dust Dracaena | plants |
Golden Chain Tree | plants |
Golden Pothos | plants |
Gopher Purge | plants |
Gorilla Glue | household items |
Grapes | Food/Drink |
Gum | Food/Drink |
Hahn’s Self Branching English Ivy | plants |
Hand Sanitizer (Ethanol) | household items |
Hand Warmers | metals |
Heartleaf Philodendron | plants |
Heavenly Bamboo | plants |
Hellebore | plants |
Hemlock | plants |
Herbicides | household items |
Holly | plants |
Hops | Food/Drink |
Hornets | animal |
Horse Beans | plants |
Horse Chestnut | plants |
Horsehead Philodendron | plants |
Hurricane Plant | plants |
Hydrangea | plants |
Hydrocarbons | household items |
Ibuprofen | medication |
Imidazoline | medication |
Insecticides | household items |
Iris | plants |
Iron | metals |
Isoniazid | medication |
Ivermectin | medication |
Jack-in-the-Pulpit | plants |
Japanese Show Lily | plants |
Java Beans | plants |
Jerusalem Cherry | plants |
Jessamine | plants |
Jimson Weed | plants |
Jonqui | plants |
Jungle Trumpet | plants |
Kaffir lily | medication |
Kalancho | plants |
Kerosene | household items |
Lace Fern | plants |
Lacy Tree | plants |
Lantana | plants |
Larkspur | plants |
Lead | metals |
Leeks | plants |
Lilies | plants |
Lily of the Valley | plants |
Liquid Potpourri | household items |
Locoweed | plants |
Lunesta | medication |
Lupine | plants |
Macadamia Nuts | Food/Drink |
Madagascar Dragon Tree | plants |
Marble Queen | plants |
Marigold | plants |
Marijuana | Illicit drugs |
Matches | household items |
Mayapple | plants |
Meloxicam | medication |
Metaldehyde | insecticides |
Methionine | medication |
Methylphenidate | medication |
Mexican Breadfruit | plants |
Milkweed | plants |
Miniature Croton | plants |
Mints (conatining Xylitol) | Food/Drink |
Mistletoe | plants |
Mock Orange | plants |
Moldy Food (Mycotoxins) | Food/Drink |
Monkshood | plants |
Morning Glory | plants |
Mothballs | household items |
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue | plants |
Mountain Laurel | plants |
Mouse and Rat Poison | household items |
Mouthwash (containing Xylitol) | Food/Drink |
Moxidectin | medication |
Mushrooms | Food/Drink |
Naproxen | medication |
Narcissus | plants |
Needlepoint Ivy | plants |
Nicotine | medication |
Nicotine Patches or Gum | Other |
Nightshade | plants |
nonprescription medications | medication |
NSAID medications | medication |
Nutmeg | Food/Drink |
Nuts (macadamian and moldy walnuts) | Food/Drink |
Oleander | plants |
Onions | Food/Drink |
Opioids & Opiates | medication |
Organophosphates | insecticides |
Oriental Lily | plants |
Oxalates (Insoluble) | plants |
Oxalates (Soluable) | plants |
Paintballs | household items |
Paraquat | household items |
Peace Lily | plants |
Peach Pits | Food/Drink |
Pencil Cactus | plants |
Pennyroyal Oil | herbals |
Peony | plants |
Periwinkle | plants |
Persimmon pits/seeds | Food/Drink |
Pesticides | household items |
Petroleum Distillates | household items |
Phenylpropanolamine | medication |
Philodendron | plants |
Phosphides | household items |
Pimobendan | medication |
Pine Oil | household items |
Pits from fruits | Food/Drink |
Play Dough (Homemade) | Food/Drink |
Plum Pits | Food/Drink |
Plumosa Fern | plants |
Poinciana | plants |
Poinsettias | plants |
Poison Hemlock | plants |
Poison Ivy | plants |
Poison Oak | plants |
Pokeweed | plants |
Poppy | plants |
Potato (Green) | Food/Drink |
Precatory Bean | plants |
prescription medications | medication |
Primrose | plants |
Privet | plants |
Propylene Glycol | household items |
Pyrethrins & Pyrethroids | insecticides |
Queensland Nut | plants |
Raisins | Food/Drink |
Rattlesnake | animal |
Red Lily | plants |
Red-Marginated Dracaena | plants |
Rhododendrons | plants |
Rhubarb | plants |
Ribbon Plant | plants |
rodenticides | Household items |
Rubber Tree Plant | plants |
Rubrum Lily | plants |
Saddle Leaf Philodendron | plants |
Sago Palm | plants |
Salt | Food/Drink |
Schefflera | plants |
Scorpions | animal |
Scotch Broom | plants |
Shamrock | plants |
Skunk Cabbage | plants |
Sleep Aids | medication |
Smoke Inhalation | other |
Snowdrops | plants |
Spider Lily | plants |
Spiders | animal |
Spotted Dumbcane | plants |
Star Fruit | Food/Drink |
Star of Bethlehem | plants |
Stargazer Lily | plants |
Stinging Nettle | plants |
String of Pearls | plants |
Striped Dracaena | plants |
Strychnine | household items |
Sugar Free Gum | Food/Drink |
Super Glue | household items |
Sweet Pea | plants |
Taro Vine | plants |
Tea Tree Oil | herbals |
Thyroid Medications | medication |
Tick Collar | medication |
Tiger Lily | plants |
Tinsel | household items |
Toads | animal |
Tobacco | plants |
Tomato (green parts of the plant) | plants |
Toothpaste (containing Xylitol) | Food/Drink |
Tree Philodendron | plants |
Tropic Snow Dumbcane | plants |
Tulips & Hyacinths | plants |
Tung Tree | plants |
Unbaked bread dough | medication |
Virginia Creeper | plants |
Vitamins | medication |
Walnuts (that are moldy) | Food/Drink |
Warneckei Dracaena | plants |
Water Hemlock | plants |
Weeping Fig | plants |
Windshield Wiper Fluid | Household items |
Wisteria | plants |
Wood Lily | plants |
Xylitol (artificial sweetener) | Food/Drink |
Yeast Dough | Food/Drink |
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow | plants |
Yew | plants |
Yucca | plants |
Zinc | metals |