Aug 2014
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Pet insurance won't cover costs for any condition that your pet showed signs of before the start date of the policy. (Medical records or a vet exam might be required to establish your pet's health). But, pet insurance will cover new conditions and accidents. Also, all the pet insurance plans here will cover conditions that your pet might have been born with but haven't showed up yet. These are called hereditary or congenital conditions. So it's still important to get covered!

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Major Medical Pet Insurance Plans

Injured chihuahuaAs a pet owner, it is your duty to provide care to your pet when he or she needs it most. Major medical pet insurance is a way to take the financial burden off of your shoulders while continuing to provide the needed care to your pet.

What is a Major Medical Insurance Plan?
A major medical insurance plan is a safety net that provides coverage for large veterinarian bills. The plan can be purchased alone or it can piggy back with other plans for maximum protection for your pet. This type of protection is one of the higher levels of protection for your pet. These plans typically provide you with:

◦  The freedom to choose a vet
◦  Renewal every year
◦  Double benefit allowances
◦  Chronic condition coverage
◦  Hereditary coverage (may be limited)
◦  Low deductibles
◦  Large annual benefits

What is Covered?
Major medical insurance plans cover many different types of diseases, infections and problems associated with owning and having a pet. It is wise to always go over the covered procedures and conditions before committing to a plan. Some of the most common covered conditions include:

◦  Bladder infections
◦  Lyme disease
◦  Allergies
◦  Arthritis
◦  Kennel cough
◦  Heart failure
◦  Seizures
◦  Cuts and wounds
◦  Tooth removal
◦  Kidney disease
◦  Tumors
◦  Infections

How Much Will This Plan Cost?
Medical coverage for pets varies in cost depending on a number of factors such as:

◦  Pet’s age
◦  Pet’s breed
◦  Pet’s species
◦  Size of the pet
◦  State of residence
◦  Type of plan

There are numerous levels of insurance available allowing you to choose which plan suits both your and your dog’s needs. Request a quote today for detailed pricing information.

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