Dec 2014

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Ad: Learn why we recommend Spot Pet Insurance

Pet insurance won't cover costs for any condition that your pet showed signs of before the start date of the policy. (Medical records or a vet exam might be required to establish your pet's health). But, pet insurance will cover new conditions and accidents. Also, all the pet insurance plans here will cover conditions that your pet might have been born with but haven't showed up yet. These are called hereditary or congenital conditions. So it's still important to get covered!

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By submitting this form, I agree to this website's privacy policy and expressly consent to be contacted via email or phone by up to five carefully selected companies with related pet health insurance offers. I understand that these calls may be generated using an automated technology, and that my consent is not required to receive services.

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Keep Your Dog Happy this Holiday Season

The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but all the excitement can often be stressful for your pets. Visitors, holiday decorations and foods add new dangers and stresses to your pet’s life. With a little prior preparation it’s easy to keep them safe, healthy and happy throughout the holiday season. The five easy tips on our infographic will help both you and your pets have a happy holiday.

Dog Holiday Infogram

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