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Pet insurance won't cover costs for any condition that your pet showed signs of before the start date of the policy. (Medical records or a vet exam might be required to establish your pet's health). But, pet insurance will cover new conditions and accidents. Also, all the pet insurance plans here will cover conditions that your pet might have been born with but haven't showed up yet. These are called hereditary or congenital conditions. So it's still important to get covered!

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Pet Insurance By Breed

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Greyhound Pet Insurance

Greyhound Dog

Dogs similar in looks to greyhounds are found in ancient artwork, yet the origin of the modern greyhound is somewhat of a mystery. however, DNA evidence suggests their early origins were in Eastern Europe. Greyhounds became hugely popular in Great Britain in the 1800s and not long after their popularity spread to the United States. Farmers in the midwest soon realized that greyhounds, with their sighthound abilities, would make excellent pest control dogs. It wasn’t until later that greyhounds took on the role of track dogs. Their reputation as racing gods has led to the common misconception that greyhounds require a huge amount of exercise, they actually require only a little and make excellent pets.

Greyhound Health: Do they Need a Pet Insurance Plan?

Greyhounds are usually healthy dogs, but their health is highly dependent on their past. Many companion greyhounds are ex track dogs that may have had previous injuries that can lead to problems in later life. They may also have been exposed to performance enhancing drugs than can also cause issues as they get older. In addition, all Greyhounds are considered high risk for cancer, a disease that is very expensive to treat. Taking out insurance plans to cover these problems can help greatly with the cost and ensure that your greyhound can get the best care possibly without you having to worry about the expense.

Other Insurance Considerations:

• Greyhounds are very sensitive to certain types of anesthesia.

• They can be allergic to insecticides, seek medical advice when choosing flea treatment.

• They are susceptible to developing bloat, a condition that requires urgent medical care.

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Pet Insurance By Breed

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