Can A Walk A Day Keep Your Dog’s Bad Habits Away? - Pet InsurancePet Insurance
Jan 2015

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Can A Walk A Day Keep Your Dog’s Bad Habits Away?

Beagle Dog Walking On The Beach Last week we discussed dog training classes and the benefits they can bring to both you and your pets. This week, in honor of National Walk Your Dog Month we’re going to take a look at how regular exercise can improve your dog’s behavior. Many dogs at some point in their life exhibit some behavioral issue that we as owners would love to help them move past as quickly as possible. We’ve picked out five bad habits that a daily walk can help to eliminate:

1. Destructive Behavior
Does your dog have a shoe chewing fetish? Maybe he likes to dig for treasure in the garden. Both of these behaviors can be a sign that your dog is under-stimulated, and bored dogs look for ways to occupy themselves. Taking your dog regularly out into the big wide world exposes them to a whole raft of sights and smells to help keep them engaged and alert.

2. Questioning the Pack
To maintain a happy home life your dog needs to accept their position in the pack. When a dog questions your role and their role within the household, they can soon become disruptive and difficult to control. Walking your dog provides a great opportunity for you to use simple training techniques to reaffirm your position as pack leader and provides great bonding time.

Walking a Dog3. Your Dog Doesn’t Play Well With Others
Like humans, dogs develop their ability to interact with other dogs through socialization. Walks can help your dog improve their doggy social skills by providing them with the opportunity to play with other dogs. Practice makes perfect but if your dog is aggressive it’s important to seek professional advice first.

4. Your Dog Is Insecure
Nervous and insecure dogs can benefit greatly from the one on one walk time. It’s the perfect opportunity to build their confidence in new environments, and it helps build trust as you guide them safely through a world of experiences.

5. Your Dog Dislikes Training
Ever feel like your dog has attention deficit problems? Trying to work on training with a dog that is holding hours and hours of pent up energy and boredom can be a difficult task. Taking your dog for a walk before a training session burns off the excess energy and allows your dog to focus on the task at hand. Your dog will be fetching your slippers in no time.